Monday, 27 February 2012

GIFTS starts coming in for Little Warriors

more gifts coming in from friends for my Little Warriors.
As I plan to do myTINA project - School Holidays charity on 17th March in WardKK3, HKL
I received tremendous sponsors from friends, friend's friend and relatives.
The due date to deliver to me is on March 10th, 2012
I am trying to collect :
50 - teddybears
50 - mugs
50 - books + coloring books + colors
50 - blankets

coloring books from Melaka
storybooks from Kg Baru
keychains from Penang

More to come from all over the places .. with love  
thank you my friends

le'quote :
 A gift, though small, is welcome

Sunday, 26 February 2012

How Do I started "myTINA project " charity in 2011 ?

  I wanna share with all of u do I started with  "myTINA project"
This is what I wrote last year in My Note - FB.

My dear friends,
When i first decided to organize this project, I have no idea or any clue how the response gonna be..
how am I suppose to get 50 goodies bag with bears, blanket and cookies raya ?..hmmm.. ????...
but i still wanna give it shot .. its better to start somewhere , than never ! so i proceed with the plan and writing it on my wall. Then i got 20 friends responded to it. Alhamdulillah.. 
I decided then to write into an event and the response then was overwhelmed :).. alhamdulillah syukur..
i have a lotsa stranger and not in friend list who contacted me personally to join.. from Japan, Penang, Johor, Sabah, Sarawak till Kajang.. We then become friends and bonded to each other. I have everyone in the list of attendees ; from my schoolmate in Sekolah Kebangsaan Kajang, Convent Kajang, my unimate in Universiti Utara Malaysia, my former officemate in AMAB, Citibank, GAFIM (Gerakan Penyokong Akim AF7), my fellow Agents in MAA and Public Mutual, popular artiste, my neighbours, my relatives and last but not least, my friend's friend. Alhamdulillah syukur..

so on August 23rd 2011, I managed to collect 50 goodies bag with more than 50s teddybears, more than 50 blankets , more than 50 cookies raya, 50 candies and sweet, more than 50 chocolates, stationaries , more than 50 flush toys and cash $$$$$. I also have Datin Nore - my unimate to sponsor the KFC. Thanks beb :) Semoga Allah murahkan rezeki  Nore. Amin..

August 25th, 2011 at 3.00pm ..When i first arrived at the lobby ward Pediatrik HKL, i was been approached
by an admin nurse asking me "oh ni semua brang-barang yg dah sampai tu ye". I was surprised that a nurse notice i have arrived walaupun I have not called the ward KK3.. not yet !! i replied .."yes barang-barang dah sampai." I have to bring all the goodies with 2 cars : my MPV and my cousin's STORM. As i have to used IKEA biggest bag to put everything in. Then i called Shida.. the ward KK3's nurse telling her that im at Lobby with all the bags. The other admin staff just now still with me and then only ask me "ni dari mana?" i replied "dari rumah" she smiled .."bukan, maksud saya dari organisasi mana?" i replied "bukan kak, ni semua dari poket sendiri kawan-kawan saya" wahhh ..seriously i felt proud saying that u know !! because this giant bags ..50 of them and KFCs are coming from personal contributors not an organisation or company  !!! then the admin staff realize that she was wrong.. oh she is waiting for Bank Rakyat people who suppose to bring hamper raya for Institut Pediatrik that day .  Yes we did it !!! we amazed others. U ALL did it !!. the people around actually stop by and looking at the bags with amazing looks. "How I wish that is for me punya look" . Some of the kids peeping inside and start asking from their mum some of the toys inside. oppssss sorry this is for the little warriors !!

we have to used the katil sorong pesakit + 3 trolleys and each of us there have to carry at least 4 bags.. Thanks to Naquib, Nik Fahmee with his 2 children, Melissa Saila (yes the famous actress who is the first arrived at the lobby after me), Lan and his friend, kak Yun and staff nurse Shidah . Thanks for helping me :) 

while walking down the stairs together with all the things, I noticed my husband's looks... he is crying .. he is trying very hard to control his emotions.. but still bursting into tears :(  .. then i realized.. its very painful for him to be in the ward or around the area which he used to push my TINA on her wheelchair every morning and evening.. so i decided to stop and went to him asking him to hand over me the goodies bag he carried. He is a very loving husband to me and the I do understand if he cannot stop the tears from pouring to his handsome face. Yes i know he wants to join me and others to the ward but he just cannot handle it .. Not that day !!..

me and the rest then continue our journey to meet the little warriors .. as we entered the ward - KK3, all the nurses and people looks excited. The staff nurse bring me to see the Chief of Oncologist - Pediatrik, Dr Erni. She hugged me the moment she saw me.. she said "terima kasih banyak-banyak Azlin sebab masih ingatkan budak-budak kat sini.. terima kasih bawak hadiah untuk anak-anak saya kat sini.. terima kasih.. mesti diorg happy ni" I felt wanna cry hearing that.. Alhamdulillah .. We all make the doctor happy..

We start disributing the goodies bag with KFC and duit raya to all the kids. U can see some tears here and there. Tears from some of the guardians and tears on some of us.. being fortunate not to have go thru what they are facing now.. BUT one thing for sure.. no tears from the kids except JOY and HAPPY faces. They are sooooo happy getting the BIG BLUE BAG .. they are happy getting the KFC and very excited getting duit Raya.
I have a parents who's child having a colon cancer telling me this .. "terima kasih kerana datang dan buat budak-budak ni semua happy. Cuba la u tengok diorg semua happy dapat hadiah. Besar pahala u all". Ya Allah.. alhamdulillah.. i feel satisfaction in my heart... I feel happy. It feel great when u can make the kids and their parents happy and to forget for a while their sorrow.. All of us did that !!! Saya gembira dapat menyampaikan amanah kawan-kawan yg memberi sumbangan dalaam bentuk barang dan wang ringgit . Saya amat gembira kerana amanah kawan-kawan untuk melihat anak-anak dan ibubapa mereka happy sudah tercapai. Alhamdulillah syukur kehadrat Allah SWT.

Some of the parents there very happy to meet my dear friend Melissa Saila tu.. there's one makcik telling me "makcik ni datang dari Kuantan dik..jauh, tak pernah la makcik terfikir dapat jumpa artis. kat hospital ni pulak dapat jumpa dia" sukeee makcik tu !! Thanks Lis for bringing joy to them.. Banyak peminat Lis among the guardian. (Btw.. im ur BIG fan too :) 

we finished around 5.00pm and we have extra bags. So next stop - Ward Kanak-kanak Neuro 6B, Institut Kajisaraf. Tina had her 5 surgeries here and spend almost 3 years and out. So went to 2nd flr and distributed the goodies bag and duit raya to all the kids there. We also give goodies bag to the nurses. Yes we did both .. goodies bag for the nurses in ward KK3 and Ward Neuro 6B. We settled everything at 6.00pm. We were separated after that..

Alhamdulillah ..our mission TINA project : Charity Raya 2011 accomplished with joy and satisfaction to those who came that day. For those who didnt come.. dunt worry, insyaaAllah u guys can join us for the next my TINA project. Just pray that we are still around and have a good health to do more charity for this lovely kids.. the little warrior i called them !! these choosen kids are the warrior .. the true warrior as they have to fight day and night against cancer. Every seconds... every minutes.. every days is a bonus to them.
Let us muhasabah diri and take look deep inside of each of us... are we thank enough to God for all the good health ..good fortune ..good family we have now. 

So ..this is my closure for my TINA project : Charity Raya 2011. I pray that this is not the first and last project for those lovely little warriors. Let us pray that we will have more for them.. keep reaching for them as they need HOPE every seconds of their precious time..

The experienced we have.. directly in the ward or indirectly by contributing to this project is really PRICELESS..  To those who came that day, words cannot describe what we saw or experienced that August 25th, 2011. Beautiful faces !! Happy faces !! HOPE !! Alhamdulillah syukur .. we thank GOD that help us open our heart to this project. I still have until now, ..friends who feel sorry that they just noticed this project and how they wish they are able to contribute.. I promise u.. with God permission, we will do this again. Together  :) Let's give them HOPE.. the only thing they need now . Our prayers will always be with u guys..the little warriors ..

Till then.. thank you so much to all of u . Thank you for driving your goodies to me.. Thank you for contributing the cash..Thank you for helping me arranging the goodies.. Thank you for baking cookies for the kids.. Thank you for sponsoring.. Thank you for sharing this project with others.. Thank you for being generous and helpful to a stranger and to a friend like me. Once we were stranger ..but now we are friends. Good friends.. I cant do it without u guys.. Impossible !!

Actions speak louder than words.. so enjoy the photos here..
Please feel free to tag any of ur friends and share it to your friends.. Sharing is caring my friend !!
Till we meet again in future projects ... I LUV U ALL  

This is for u dik , Nur Qistina Afiqah Mohamed. A small gift from mama to Tina. Semoga adik berbahagia di sana.. Al-fatihah to my Tina and all the kids who left us due to cancer and leukemia.
Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat Nya ke atas anak-anak ini.. Amin..

 Luv, hugs and kissses

Friday, 24 February 2012

Get busy with BEADS


Today we are gonna be busy decorating cute lovely badges for "myTINA project" charity. Those customized myTINA badges are for contributors and volunteers . 
We are doing it for School Holiday Charity with Little Warriors on March, 17th at HKL.  
My son - Danial is helping me out with the colorful beads.. 
Check this out !!! 
Aren't they cute? 

We are gonna wear it on the special day with Little Warriors. Yeahhh... can't wait !!!

 le' quote :
 "The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up"

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Better late than never

Salam ,

This is my very 1st entry into this world of blog ..everyone has to start somewhere i guess..better late than never <3. I devoted my writings ideas views for everyone to know understand learn feel my passion for charity works and people surrounding me . 

Let me introduce the purpose here .. "myTINA project" is a charity program that I developed last year , 2011 as a tools for me to help and create awareness to the public about children with Cancer and Leukemia in Ward KK3, Hospital Kuala Lumpur. I have been there with my darling late daughter - Nur Qistina Afiqah Mohamed since 2009 until she passed away on April 2011.Tina was diagnosed "Anaplastic Ependymoma Grade III" brain tumour. On and off we stayed there and at Ward Neuro 6B, HKL ..we feel like our second home. 

I do know how it feels to celebrate Hari Raya in the ward hear "takbir raya" from the room and not able to eat rendang, kuah kacang, biskut raya , lemang etc.. The experience i had was priceless !! nothing makes me happy during Raya than to see my children happily playing in the ward with their sister and watching television. They don't even think its Raya .. as everyday is RAYA to us in the ward .. Lovely nurses and great friendly doctors around us . What else can u ask for?! Alhamdulillah ..

So since 2011, I plan of something for the children in the ward .. let us bring joy to them. Lets bring Raya to them. Lets bring school holidays excitement to them. Let's bring HOPE to them .

Of course i need people to support and help me with the activities..alhamdulillah I am blessed to know great friends with noble heart ..a very generous friends.. helpful friends ..kind hearted friends surrounding me .. and there our 1st "myTINA project" was a successful one . Thank you Allah . And  this is for u adik. Mama loves u so much . 

Let the pictures tell the thousand stories.

U can also read my link about it at :